Who We Are
In 2010 a group of New York City animal lovers got together to form a special kind of animal rescue…
Every year, thousands of pets are abandoned or surrendered to shelters because their owners cannot afford veterinary care for them. New York City is no exception.
Within its five boroughs, scores of adoptable cats and dogs are killed simply because their owners felt they had no option but surrender their pets in the hope that the animal would receive veterinary treatment from the shelter or a rescue group, and be adopted.
Unfortunately, this kind of happy ending doesn’t happen often enough. But a group of animal lovers knew that pets could be saved – if the resources were available to help them.
And Stewie to the Rescue was born.
Why I started “Stewie to the Rescue” from Harris Bloom on Vimeo.

Harris Bloom, Founder and CEO
HARRIS – Harris is the Founder of Stewie to the Rescue. When not leaping animal shelters in a single bound, Harris is an outspoken animal advocate, stand-up comic, writer, accountant and zombie (he played one in a short film). He lives with his wife, daughter, and their presumed cockapoo, River, who found them in the park, and moved in.

Kilo Bloom. Our much-loved pittie.
Kilo, our much loved rescued pittie. Miss ya, buddy! 200? – 2012

Josie Bloom
JOSIE – … is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She currently works with a social service agency which provides counseling and advocacy services to survivors of crime aged 12 and above, and has a small private practice as a therapist, specializing in working with trauma. An important component of her work includes a focus on mind-body healing for both clients and co-workers. She holds a degree in English Textual Studies from Syracuse University , a MSSW from Columbia University , and has completed post-graduate training in Advanced Trauma Treatment through the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy.
Ed Heitin – … is a partner in the Financial Instruments and Credit Group at PricewaterhouseCoopers. He has a degree in economics from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, an MBA from Northeastern University and is a licensed CPA in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Washington DC. Ed and his fiance live in Manhattan with their malti-poo, Winston Churchill, who adamantly denies he’s a dog!
Jane Reynolds – Director of, umm, Flyers?
Jane is a graphic designer at See Jane Design near Cleveland, Ohio, in business since 1995. She’s a rabid dog lover, Browns fan (sits at the latte-sipping end, opposite the Dawg Pound) and comedy lover. Jane’s two, tiny Toy Fox Terriers – Trooper and
Katie – stand at the ready to answer Stewie’s bark to help other dogs! Contact her at seejanedesign1_at_yahoo.com
Erin Garmont – Director of Mixology
Julie Schnur – Director of Confections
Tara DeSantis – Director of Spontaneous Dancing/Singing